A Father's Blessing

by The Rev. Robert J. Kerner
February 1993

"You are my son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." (Luke 3:22b NIV)

The Father's Blessing of Jesus

As Jesus was beginning His earthly ministry, He was equipped for that ministry by the infilling of the Holy Spirit and by His Father's voice of recognition, approval, and blessing. 

At midpoint in His ministry, in the presence of His disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration, on the threshold of His journey to Jerusalem and the great trial of His life, Jesus again heard the Father's blessing. This time it was directed to His disciples about Him, and an injunction was added: "Listen to Him."

In this blessing God the Father named or labeled Jesus (My Son). He claimed Jesus (whom I love). He affirmed and voiced approval of Him (with whom I am well pleased). And He gave Him and His words and Ministry validation (Listen to Him). 

Our Need for the Father's Blessing

How many of us have spent a lifetime trying to win our father's approval — even many years after his death or after our own growth to adulthood and even in our own status as parents. If it was not given, we are ever hungry for it and are still searching for it, consciously or not. Without that voiced or demonstrated validation we are at a loss.

All of us, men or women, girls or boys, need that blessing (from both parents) to grow into a healthy self–image and into a true awareness of who we are as individuals, and as women or men.

Here I am specially orienting my comments to our need of a father's blessing. (Many more of us have had mothers who were free enough to verbally affirm us.) We in the western world of modern generations did not have a heritage of religious fathers who often voiced their love or approval. They may have demonstrated it in some ways, but few were free enough to articulate a father's blessing or were even aware of its need.

Many of us, in fact, have had worse than its absence. We have had fathers (or mothers, or teachers, or pastors, or others in authority) who have given us negative pronouncements. Even when trying to be kind or friendly, their negative kidding may have been destructive.

How many of us were constantly given negative comparisons in an attempt to bully us into growth or improvement? Or have had our achievements lost in perfectionistic comparison? Some examples: "Only two A's — what about the rest?" ''You'll never make a success of your life!" "Why can't you be as good as your brother?" ''You're a loser ... a quitter ... a sissy ... lazy ... stupid ... etc."

Words can give life. Words can take life too. We need a father's blessing — for survival!

Who We Are in Christ

Before we can receive that blessing we need to know who we really are and why we can be blessed. All of us need to know the truth — our real identity and worth as a Christian.

First, we need to know that our individual existence is validated. Read the w hole Psalm of 139. Especially relevant are verses 13 and 14: "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made: your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Second, we are a new creation. We are born again by water and the Spirit. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Cor 5:17–18)

Third: "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus ... ", (Rom 8:1) God's conviction of sin, moving us to repentance and freedom, yes. Condemnation, no.

Fourth: Adoption as God's children and heirs. (Read Romans 8: 14–17) "For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry 'Abba', 'Father'." (v15) and "Now if we are children, then we are heirs — heirs of God and co–heirs with Christ ... ". (v.17a)

This means that we can appropriate that same fatherly blessing from God as He gave Jesus, His firstborn Son! God sees us in and with Jesus. He sees us with Jesus' blood and His mark of redemption upon us. So, my friend, God sees you with Jesus written all over you! Therefore, you can claim God's naming or "labeling" and blessing: "You are my beloved son (daughter) ... "

Fifth: Even more, we can claim the Father's favor, approval, and election. You are also His chosen one. " .. with you I am well pleased!" "Who, me — pleasing to God?", you ask.Yes! Not on your merits, but by grace — God's will and Christ's blood.

God's favor (righteousness) cannot be merited (cf. Phil 3 :9); and His approval doesn't depend on anyone else's. "Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me." (Psalm 27:10)

Sixth: we also have a new identity in Christ. Through inner healing, the old "labels" can be erased from our souls and new labels, new names written in their place, engraved on our hearts. A broken self–image can be healed!

In my ministry of prayer counseling, I often "prescribe" an in–depth reading and personal application oflsaiah 62 — the whole chapter — with the person prayerfully reading his or her own name into the place of Zion or Jerusalem.

"You will be called by a new name (a new identity) that the mouth of the Lord will bestow." (v.2) "No longer will they call you Deserted ("loser", "stupid", "hopeless", "ne'er do well", etc.) nor name your land Desolate ("rejected", "unwanted", "incorrigible", etc.). But you will be called "my delight ... " and your land, "married" (wanted), for the Lord will take delight in you ... so will your God rejoice over you." (vss. 4,5b)

I was a leader in a prayer community in the early 1970's which was named "God's Delight" from this passage. It took us one and a half years before we could accept that name from the Lord! We are often so broken that we cannot accept good labels. God wants us to be blessed and to know His favor and approval.

I encourage you to pray through the above Scripture passages and to personally accept them for yourself. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak deeply to your soul through them. Be open to hear in prayer any additional words of approval from the Lord for you and to hear any special "names" that God may speak to your heart as you pray and listen to Him. I encourage you to listen with pen in hand — to record His special words of favor and encouragement to you.

If you have been deeply wounded you will need inner healing prayer and perhaps prayer counseling to bring about the healing of past hurts and a broken self–image. You may need help and the ministry of others even to receive these words and especially to appropriate them and to apply them personally. Even the notion of God's special favor for you may be difficult to accept. Get that help and receive the Father's Blessing — it is your inheritance!

Finally, it is just the beginning of our walk with God. Our goal is conformation to Christ; that begins with affirmation but must also involve the cross and growth. (Read Philippians 3:10–16). "Only let us live up to what we have already attained." (v.16) Amen.

April 1993 Issue