Praise Reports

by Joy Lamb
June 1993

I asked prayer for my husband's health. He is battling cancer. He is much improved, and his spirits are very high. He has grown very close to the Lord, and has even begun to pray with me morning and night. This in itself is an answer to prayer.

We asked prayers for our brother to find a job and a place to live. He is confined to a wheelchair, and we were very concerned. Only a few days after we asked for prayer, he found an outstanding job and a great place to live. These answered prayers have really increased our faith. Thank you so much for praying.

Thank you so much for the prayers for my needs. My brain injured son whom Judith and Francis prayed for continues to improve.

I asked for prayer for prostate cancer. I was already scheduled for surgery. However, the doctors said just prior to the operation (after the post op final exam) there was no sign of cancer, and thus no need for an operation. I am so grateful for the prayers.

After six months of chemo, and much prayer following a radical mastectomy, scans show no more cancer in me. Praise God!!!

We are now able to pay our bills for the first time in two years.

June 1993 Issue