Heavenly Humor

by Norma Dearing
December 1993

Through my years of ministry and raising five children, intercessory prayer has been an important part of my life. The following are two incidents involving my son, Danny, who is now sixteen.

When he was in the first grade, he was rather a rambunctious child. One day his teacher said to him, most emphatically, "Danny, what do you think your mother will do if I call her and tell her about your behavior today?" She laughed when she told me about his reply: "Oh, she'll probably just pray about it!" he said.

I've always had a habit of praying in tongues whenever I seen an ambulance or rescue truck go by. One day as Danny and I were waiting at a traffic light, I was behind a laundry truck. At that particular moment someone came to my mind to intercede for and I began to pray in tongues. Danny looked at me with real concern and said, "Mom, that's not an ambulance. It's a laundry truck!"

Norma Dearing is the Director of Prayer Ministry at CHM. December 1993 Issue