My Reflections on Our England Mission

by Dr. Jackie Canepa
September 1992

England was exactly as I had always pictured it would be, picturesque villages with very old buildings, a visual treat. It also was rainy most of the time resulting in beautiful gardens of all–colored, all–shaped gorgeous flowers.

My job duties were to be on the Christian Healing Ministries team ministering prayer and healing and to give a few talks as we (The MacNutts with children and Nanny, Eva, Mike Evans from California, and my husband Paul and me) traveled through England for the month of July. As I have learned over the years, it is as we give that we truly receive, and receive we did, from the most hospitable people I've ever met. They were also people hungry for the truths the MacNutts and team shared with them about healing, as well as hungry for healing for themselves. Everywhere we went there was a full house with participants ranging from 120 to 1800 persons.

My biggest surprise was the number of manifestations of evil spirits that we observed ·as we ministered in different areas. It became clear that the best way to deal was to cut people free from unhealthy generational bondage, curses, and demons, seal them as Christ's . own forever and then command any spirit to leave and go to Jesus. Many were set free in this way. There also seemed to be much deep unresolved grief and anger which had not been dealt with, in loving and very reserved folk. Inner healing was greatly needed and was ministered by the team as much as possible, but we truly found that we desperately needed more "laborers". Part of our goal was to raise up healing teams there', only time will tell how successful we were.

Many people at each church were interested in being involved in the healing ministry but had had little teaching. We found these folk to be very helpful as prayer ministers when we were praying for a whole church–full or gym–full of people. With a minimum of instruction they stepped right in and began to pray for healing and deliverance as needed; consequently, we felt that we were truly involved in a team ministry with them, and they felt very encouraged in ministering healing because of our trust in them.

Each church in which we ministered had its own unique personality but all were filled with love and openness to us and the healing message we shared. We were blessed to be in a Baptist Church, a shared church (Baptist, Methodist, Anglican, and Reformed), an Anglican Cathedral, and a teaching/healing center called Glendley Manor. We really felt connected to the family of God.

As Mike Evans and I talked about this, we felt that we had seen and been a part of at least five–year's worth of healing compacted into one month. All in all, an exciting, satisfying, healing trip for us all.

September 1992 Issue