From Francis

by Francis MacNutt
December 1988

My friends will tell you that I find it hard to talk about financial needs. In part, it's my background. I've gotten over not talking about religion and politics, but finances are still hard. Like many of you, I react strongly against manipulative financial appeals. When we lived in Dunedin, Florida, I used to pray almost every night with a friend who had terminal cancer. I spent time with him; yet his contributions went to TV evangelists whom he had never met. I never told my friend how I felt. After all, Jesus had said, "Freely you received, freely give". (Mt. 10:8) But friends urge me to tell you what our financial status really is, so that you might have the knowledge you need to make a wise, prayerful decision on whether you wish to help us.

First, I want to thank all of you who have helped us generously in the past. Several of you have regularly made substantial contributions during the Christmas season, and for that we are especially grateful.

Second, we need to clear up a misconception about our income: that we are subsidized by the Episcopal Diocese of Florida. We have received every possible encouragement and moral support from Bishop Frank Cerveny and his wife Emmy. But because we are, an ECUMENICAL center, and NOT part of the Diocese, the Episcopal Church does not help us financially. CHM receives one–third of what we need through our speaking engagements and tape sales. The other 2/3 must come through contributions. We are careful about our budget, and we have a dedicated staff, most of whom make salaries of $12,000 per year. They stay because they believe in CHM.

At this time, four considerations make our financial needs especially urgent.

  1. Our interim, non–salaried administrator, Larry Brook, has now moved on. We miss him greatly. We must find a new administrator — and a salary.
  2. In 1987 we received two foundation grants totaling $65,000. Since they were one time grants, we have that much less to meet our expenses.
  3. Last year, the diocese donated two rooms in St. John's Cathedral, Now we have moved forward in purchasing our new center. Through your generosity in responding to last year's appeal, we had enough to make the down payment and renovate several offices. Beginning this month, we need $640 per month, plus two lump sum payments of $6,600 and $7,200, plus interest due each year in the spring.
  4. Only when we are in a stronger financial position can we bring in the prayer counselors we desire to enable us to pray for the sick and hurting people who call us for appointments. At the present time we are not able to offer a salary to Sister Jeanne Hill who has been with us much of the time since February.

We have always managed to pay our bills on time. In addition, we tithe to the poor. Nevertheless, as I write this, we have only enough funds to cover expenses for two more weeks.

So, we do need your help. If the Lord so inspires you, we would greatly appreciate your special contribution — and if possible, a regular contribution that will help us throughout the year — for what we fervently believe is God's work.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Francis MacNutt

Francis MacNutt Francis MacNutt is a Founding Director and Executive Committee member of CHM. December 1988 Issue