Maintain Your Healing

by Judith MacNutt
2021 Vol. 03

Healing can come as a miraculous event, and it is always appropriate to rejoice if God heals you spontaneously of a physical ailment, or immediately sets you free from the effects of addiction or abuse. More often, healing is a process, and the Lord walks you through healing step by step like the layers of an onion peeling away.Healing can come as a miraculous event, and it is always appropriate to rejoice if God heals you spontaneously of a physical ailment, or immediately sets you free from the effects of addiction or abuse. More often, healing is a process, and the Lord walks you through healing step by step like the layers of an onion peeling away.

Many of you have experienced great healing of wounded memories, or of sadness, grief and loss, and then you feel that healing slipping away. What can we do to not fall back into discouragement or pain?

After a person experiences freedom through healing prayer, the enemy is very unhappy at losing ground with that person. He may whisper in your ear that this healing is not real. He will try in various ways to tempt you or reclaim his territory.

I encourage you to be in community and stay in relationship with others. Satan strives to isolate people. Satan may not be very active until he realizes he is losing someone, then he will come and start pestering them, causing them to withdraw from people. You may experience new shame or embarrassment rise up in you because of your new vulnerability to God and others. 

It is also entirely appropriate to continue to receive prayer over a series of weeks or months. Read books appropriate to your situation, listen to talks, or go to a recovery group such as GriefShare, AA or Alanon.  Stay or become active in a local church.

All of us need to be encouraged not to become passive. We need to PURSUE our healing: Learn, read and go to everything you can. Be actively involved in your own spiritual care!  

Let me suggest some positive actions that all of us can practice to maintain a healthy spiritual life:


Some of us can’t do as much as we did when we were 25 years old. And some of us have “Caregiver” stamped on our foreheads! We are so busy caring for others that we don’t keep our own needs in balance. Listen to the Holy Spirit.

Every morning I wake up and say, “I have no goal but to serve you today. I am going to do what you tell me to do today.”

Once I asked the Lord in my mind, “What do you want me to do today?” 

He said, “Go to the beach.”

I said, “No, I have way too much to do.”

He said, “Go to the beach.”

“Ok, I’ll take the dogs and go to the beach.”

I heard Him say, “NO, don’t even take the dogs, because then you are caring for something.”

So I went to the beach and I tuned into the sound of the ocean and the seagulls and children laughing. And when I returned it took only an hour to do all the things I thought would take me all day to do. 


What brings you life? Is it art? Music? Gardening? Animals?


If you are surviving on too little sleep, eating a lot of sugar and drinking a lot of caffeine, your adrenal system will shut down. Exercise relieves tension and releases endorphins.


We were created for relationships, so get together with your friends and celebrate together, worship together, serve together and do fun things.

Be under the authority of someone who is watching out for you – someone you trust and is concerned for your welfare. Satan seeks to isolate you, pulling you away from people and what brings you life. 

Take a silent retreat, not to learn, but just to be with God. Soak in His presence.  

Don’t let yourself go to that critical place in your mind where you focus on what is wrong; focus on what is beautiful. Speak blessing over yourself and others.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8)


Before you go to bed, I recommend confession of sin and spiritual cleansing. Give God thanks for the blessings of the day and cut yourself free from any hurts or burdens. Pray for your dreams, read scripture, and pray for your spouse or family.


Good books nourish your soul. Hand pick your movies; your mind is precious and the imagery of sex and violence can capture a place there.

The joy of the Lord is your strength. God wants us to have great joy in this journey, so laughter is healing! Stay away from people who are critical or legalistic.


You are priceless to Him. Your whole life and efforts are meaningful for the kingdom of God. You are an original, so take care of yourself. Be good to yourself. Make time for yourself. Make time for Him. Make time in your life for the people that love you. Don’t be too busy for your friends or family; God will send someone else to take care of that person you are overly concerned about. Leave them in God’s capable hands.


Lord, we seal up all healing work the Holy Spirit has done in this child of God that the evil one cannot come and snatch away. I place the protection of the blood of Jesus over and around them; protect their thoughts, mind, body, soul and spirit. Surround them with people who will help and affirm them. Help them to walk into their new identity. We consecrate these precious ones to you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Judith MacNutt Judith MacNutt is a licensed psychotherapist, author, teacher, conference speaker, co–founder and president of CHM. 202103 th