Healing Line

Healing Line

Q & A with Judith

by Judith MacNutt
2018 Vol. 05

Can someone who has no faith in God be healed?

A Canaanite woman asked for prayer for her daughter; Mark 7 and Matthew 15 tell the story. She was a Gentile, not a follower of Jesus. She came as a desperate woman. Jesus prayed at a distance and the demon-possessed daughter was healed. It was after the healing that Jesus told her she was a faith-filled person. You do not have to have faith to be healed. Healing will often bring the person to the Lord. His works invite people into the Kingdom. Also, if you consider the story of Lazarus, he was dead, so he did not exercise even a tiny measure of faith in order to receive his healing.

Judith MacNutt Judith MacNutt is author, teacher, conference speaker and co–founder and president of CHM. 2018 Vol. 05