Who, Me, Lord
by Judy Edsall
Jun/Jul 1990
My life would be different if I could
Let go of my fears as I know I should,
For it's fear that keeps me from an eagle's calling.
Fear of flying? No, fear of falling.
Like the man invited to dine with the King,
Who spent months of his life in studying,
Learning what to wear, how to eat, what to say,
I feel "not good enough." I'm "not okay."
I must learn still more, or else the King —
Wait! The King accepts who I am! But the thing
I really fear most is that people will see
Me fall, and laugh and point at me.
If God has given me wings to fly
Like an eagle, soaring against the sky,
Then it's only my fear that sets me apart
And keeps me a backyard chicken at heart.