Healing Line

Healing Line

Praise Reports

by Joy Lamb
May 1991

The first week in December I thought my request had gone in too late for that month, but I woke up one morning with a desire to pray the scriptures you had sent. I knew something wonderful had happened. I went on to a complete healing with my relationship with GOD and now He is working on the problem I thought He had forgotten. I have heard faith teachers who talked about the word, but I thought prayer was prayer, but now miracle after miracle has happened. The anointing is on the word. What untapped power is there! No wonder the people seeking to translate the Bible into English were killed. It's so simple that all of us have missed it. His word is the power & contains within it seed and root to grow His will into fruition in this dimension.

We may struggle with prayer and achieve nothing and our minds scoff that just saying His word over names will do something, but God is so powerful that just His Word accomplishes His will.

— Carolyn, an intercessor.

Praise God! What a wonderful rapport has developed between my husband and our youngest son — something I never thought I would see!

Thanks to all the intercessors who prayed for me in March. I have a more positive outlook on my marriage and physical health problems.

I requested prayer for an unhappy marriage & feelings of being dead inside. My marriage is not everything I wish it would be, but it is better & I can see more hope. Thank you for our prayers.

We have some positive news. Christopher's spine is now perfectly straight and his hands, arms, legs, and body in general arc more relaxed. After the damage that occurred to his brain, these observations are very encouraging because normally the body & limbs would he like "a twisted piece of wood" at this stage (the fact that he is still alive is very encouraging) I repeat that the medical diagnosis was that he would not survive the first week without the respirator. Our faith is getting stronger and we believe that there could be a miracle of healing taking place. Please continue praying for Christopher.

Thank you for your prayers. I have been healed spiritually. I was filled with an inner calm, peace, & joy. It's wonderful to see God's work in action.

My daughter is redoing her life, and dealing with some emotional problems that stem from childhood, is in counseling and making wonderful progress! Thanks for our prayers!

Praise God! I sent in a prayer request for a Christian marriage as I was very lonely. You sent me a card saying you would pray for this 11/1 to 12/1. Mid December I became engaged. March 25, 1991 we were married in an Episcopal service by one of Francis MacNutt's friends. Count me as an intercessor from now on!

Love and Blessings to all of you!!
Joy Lamb

May 1991 Issue