Healing Line

Healing Line

Praise Reports

by Joy Lamb
Nov/Dec 1991

You prayed for my friend who tried to commit suicide. Six hours after she got on the church's prayer chain, a nurse talked to her about Jesus and she decided to be in God's family. She has been praying daily, and visiting churches. Thank God for your prayers.

Thank you for all your prayers. The improvement in my sight was confirmed by the ophthalmologist at the end of July.

Thanks to God. My son is making progress and is more open in our relationship.

After a two and a half year recovery from Gillain–Barre Syndrome, during the month I requested prayer (Sept–Oct.), I experienced an acceleration of healing — I went from walking with a walker to a 4 pronged walker — cane to a regular cane in less than one month!! Hallelujah! My physical therapist was amazed — so much healing has taken place I am being terminated from further therapy! Thank Jesus for his healing love. I'm still believing he will complete what he has begun and is even now accomplishing in my body. My doctor said I'd never even be able to sit upright again and now I'm walking. Thank you Jesus!

My friend was consumed with life's worries. Your prayers were answered, she is so much happier. Thank you so much and thank you Jesus.

A four year old's malignant lung tumor has completely disappeared! Doctors are amazed; they gave him a small chance of survival. I previously sent you a prayer request for him, and many people have been praying for him — it worked! Praise Him.

A pregnant woman was bitten by a brown recluse spider several months ago and there was much concern about mother and child. Baby has been born and both are well.

James had a lesion on his lung — now it is gone completely. Praise God.

Love and Blessings to all of you!!
Joy Lamb

Nov/Dec 1991 Issue