Healing Line

Healing Line

Praise Reports

by Joy Lamb
April 1992

I requested prayer for a friend who had been in a living hell situation for years. He has stopped drinking, and seems to be changing his lifestyle. The power of prayer breaks through all barriers.

We have asked prayer for our church's music to become more "alive in the Spirit". I cannot believe the changes that have happened. Our church is being renewed simply through this beautiful new music. Praise God!! Thank you for your prayer.

Our house had been on the market for three years. I requested prayer to sell it the middle of January. It sold on February 10th. Thank you so much for your prayers.

Joy, hopefully a final report on ''D.'' for whom the intercessors have been praying. She has been free of leukemia for four months and is rebuilding her blood and immune system. She had a bone marrow transplant from her brother about Oct. 1 and has had no return of leukemia. Please continue praying.

I want to give you a wonderful ''Praise Report" since October 90 you all were praying for my son Andre, whose tumor inside the spinal cord showed up again in September 90 on an MRI SCAN. Praise the Lord, he had another scan December 91 (15 months later) and the tumor has not grown anymore, also they found out that the tumor is located very amenable, and he might never need surgery! Thank you so much for your prayers. To be an intercessor with all of you enriches my life so much!

I know I have written you before and said thank you dear one, but November a year ago when you asked me to write in my needs, little did I know just what God could do through scripture prayer. I was really in a pit at that time and had no faith and no hope. First He set about restoring my relationship to Him, then he moved through my family and finally HE is working in my husband's life. Thank you so much for your prayers.

Thank you all for your prayers. Over the past few months, I have been free of arthritic stiffness, although that was not something that I had asked prayer for. Also a fungal infection of three years duration has cleared up at last. I shall be receiving a report on my sight when I see the Ophthalmologist later this month. It is wonderful to see things happening slowly, almost unexpectedly. As one looks back over the months it is a reminder that our timing is not always the same as God's.

April 1992 Issue