Protecting Yourself - Spiritually
by The Rev. Robert J. Kerner
December 1992
"Be self–controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers (and sisters) throughout the world arc undergoing the same kind of sufferings." l Peter 5:8–9 NIV
The followers of Jesus must focus their gaze upon their Lord assured of His victory, and walk without f'ear or without an inordinate attention lo the devil. However, we must walk in his victory with our eyes opened to the reality of the battle around us as the Church Militant. As our Lord did, we must be wary of the Enemy's tactics and use the means given by our Lord in protecting ourselves as we do this work.
Jesus, Himself, was often under attack from His adversary in both open and covert ways, directly and through people. In Luke's account of the temptation scene in the beginning of Jesus' ministry, he ends it with this telling phrase: "When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left Him until an(other) opportune time." (Luke 4:13)
Like Jesus, if we arc moving in the power and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we arc a threat to Satan and his work. When we arc sharing in Jesus' ministry doing the work of the Kingdom of God, doing what He has called us to do, we arc corning against the Kingdom of Darkness. We can expect attack.
My wife, Sandi, and I have been aware that, when either or both of us were to teach, preach. lead a retreat, minister healing, or spiritual counsel, or to do anything that shares in Jesus' ministry, we would experience attacks. Things would happen to us (or between us) which would attempt to oppose the ministry, to distract our attention or to harass us. These attacks would happen before, during, or after the ministry event — and we would "brace ourselves" for attack. However, since praying for protection on a regular basis in the manner which I will describe herein, we have noticed a significant decrease in the attacks. Our adversary's four areas or attack seem to be deception, accusation, temptation and harassment, and we need protection from all.
One very effective, protection system is given to us in Ephesians 6:10–18 "Put on the whole armor or God ... ". I have found a decided reduction in spiritual attack in my ministry since I have come into a daily discipline or prayer which includes and utilizes the "armor of God" as an outline. Each morning, often in the shower, I quickly pray through and appropriate the armor piece by piece — and pray accordingly lo each one's possible application. What follows is an expanded application of the armor by way of meditation and prayer.
A. The Helmet of Salvation
Have I received the gift of Salvation? Each day I recommit my life to Jesus my Saviour and Lord and receive His gifts.
I ask protection for my mind — against negative thoughts, holding captive every thought for Christ and praying for the "renewal of my mind".
B. The Breastplate of Righteousness
Am I living in a right relationship with God? Am I in a state of grace? Do I need to repent from any wrong doing?
I pray against, and ask for protection from any temptation which may come my way that day, asking for the grace to resist it.
I also pray protection over my heart (emotions) and my identity — praying a defense against accusation.
C. The Belt of Truth
In taking the bell of truth, I pray for protection against deception — that I may be given discernment to recognize and to reject the lies of the Enemy.
D. The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace.
Am I a peacemaker? ls there anyone whom I have not forgiven? If I am in this situation I need to ask forgiveness and repent, and to release forgiveness and to ask for healing. Then, I pray protection against internal and external harassment.
E. The Shield of Faith
I take this shield as I ask protection over doubts and fears and the grace of victory in them. I pray to focus my mind on Jesus to trust him in times of uncertainty and danger.
F. The Sword of the Spirit
I ask for openness to the Word of God for me this day.
G. Pray in The Spirit
Few things are m,ire effective in Spiritual Warfare than praise and worship — especially "in the Spirit", ie, the gift of tongues. Time spent praying in our prayer language each day opens us up to the Holy Spirit's power and insight.
Finally, Ephesians 6: 18 concludes with an exhortation to "intercede" — lifting others up to the Lord in prayer focuses our attention off ourselves and onto the Lord and others.
I pray that this sharing may help others to victory on the front lines — those of us working for the renewal of the church and the further establishment of the Kingdom of God
Let us pray for one another!
Jesus Christ is Lord!