Healing Line

Healing Line

Mission to England

by Bobby & Marti Fallin
September 1994

For twenty days in July we were privileged to go on a mission trip to England with Francis and Judith MacNutt. All of us felt your prayers in a powerful way as we ministered to people wanting to be healed in Northampton, Oxford, and Birmingham. We witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit setting people free to be who Father God created them to be. The English are a reserved and very polite people, but the Holy was getting them in touch with their true identity and releasing a power: for them to express love in their community. What a wonderful joy to see chains of past hurts and the emotional bondage that comes from those hurts broken away by the power of the Prince of Peace.

What we observed in the Northampton community amazed us because it is such an ecumenical church. A total of over 1500 gathered in a marquee (tent)to hear Francis and Judith over a three day conference. Emmanuel Church in Northampton, is a shared church; one community sharing pastors from four different denominations: Anglican, Baptist, Methodist and the United Reform Church.

Each group was forced to work through areas of doctrinal difference. This community was a blessing to see because the product of their efforts was a New Testament community that demonstrated love for one another instead of distrust. Their unity was forged by joining at the highest common denominator and not the lowest! The Lordship of Jesus Christ was central to all.

At St Andrews Church in Oxford, Francis and Judith spoke to about 200 clergy and medical professionals about the need for healing and emotional honesty. All of us were physically tired from the previous conference, but as many from this group at Oxford expressed interest in The Healer, Jesus, and how He works to bring wholeness to people in today's society, our energies were renewed.

A Catholic retreat at Newman College in Birmingham was our concluding time of ministry with Francis and Judith; about 300 came for a three–day retreat. We saw again the Holy Spirit moving in a powerful way, touching the very core of people's personalities and setting them free to be real. It is our Father's design for us to be human and His ultimate intention is for us to be loved into our humanness at every stage of our development. What we witnessed in Birmingham was that anything the thief Satan can steal, the Holy Spirit through His creative power can restore!

We also had times of relaxation and refreshing on our trip like seeing many of the English parks with beautiful flowers everywhere and medieval Warwick Castle that we toured with Francis. There is so much history everywhere we went in England, it is difficult to relate this in american terms. The architecture there is incredible! Gothic spires and ornate designs on structures, some dating back to the tenth century, loomed around us everywhere we looked. We walked into cathedrals that took our breath because of their beauty. But the real treasures in England were the people; we found them to be friendly, social, amicable, genial, warm, gracious and very open to the healing ministry.

September 1994 Issue