Healing Line

Healing Line

Report on the Fishnet Conference

by Joy Abney
July 1995

Keith Jones of Fishnet's Princeton Junction Regional Group reports that "close to five hundred or over seven hundred depending on whether you count registrations slips, chairs filled with spiritual folk (human or angelic) or just plain noses" gathered for Fishnet's 17th Conference with Francis and Judith held March 31 through April 2 in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.

This year Francis and Judith were joined by Don Williams and David Seamands was scheduled to join the group, but had to change his plans due to an illness. Keith Jones says that, "Francis and Judith were welcome as old and dear friends, and that the principle focus of their talks seemed first to be on healing the things that divide us, with Francis particularly effective in bringing new light to healing relationships."

"Until we finally receive some notice that the long expected book on angels by Judith MacNutt has been completed, reviewed on the front page of the New York Times Book Review, and distributed to one and all, we'll just have to settle for those incredible, personal and delightful talks about angels. This particular talk provided insight, scriptural reference and reality. Perhaps we should collect all of the angel tapes and send them to Judith so that she can have them transcribed. But then, we remember Judith's history of having slow typists but speedy prayers. Ah, well ... " Keith muses.

Keith says that "each Fishnet conference brings old and new friends closer to the love of Jesus. I can tell you that there were many, many reports of significant inner healing. I can also tell you that there were some reported total physical healings. But, the most wonderful miracle of all happened when Don Williams asked those who had not yet found Christ as their Savior to seek forgiveness for their sins and claim Jesus as their Lord ... and many accepted Him into their hearts for the very first time. And they, brothers and sisters, were all healed!"

About Fishnet

Fishnet is an organization of ecumenical Christians who have all experienced renewal and have joined together to fellowship and sponsor conferences to stimulate further growth in grace. The groups have grown and spread all over the Northeast and Canada. This wonderful organization grew out of a conference hosted by a Congregational Church in 1983 that Judith and Francis led.

The ecumenical team that organized the event decided that it had been such a blessing that they wanted to repeat it. Groups now meet once a month for prayer and fellowship, the leaders have a retreat once a year, and the group sponsors two conferences a year. They have held eight conferences in Rutland, Vermont, three in Ogunquit, Maine, and others in New Jersey, Long Island, Pennsylvania and had one in Andover, Massachusetts in June. The group look to Francis and Judith for spiritual direction and have been a great support to the ministry over the years.

Fishnet has sponsored seven conferences to benefit Christian Healing Ministries, donating any proceeds to the ministry. This has also been done by groups of churches in New Orleans and around Charleston. It is beneficial for groups of churches to ban together to sponsor a conference. It spreads the expenses to a larger group, and also provides a great opportunity for Christians interested in healing to form community.

July 1995 Issue