Healing Line

Healing Line

Praise Reports

by Joy Lamb
July 1995

In April of 1994, I felt the Lord leading me to encourage people to join together to form prayer groups using The Sword of the Spirit to intercede for our nation. The response was overwhelming, some 900 prayer groups of four to twenty people have formed representing all denominations and every state in the US. In April of 1994, I felt the Lord leading me to encourage people to join together to form prayer groups using The Sword of the Spirit to intercede for our nation. The response was overwhelming, some 900 prayer groups of four to twenty people have formed representing all denominations and every state in the US. The groups are praying the scriptures in The Sword of the Spirit, The Word of God*, not only for personal needs, church concerns, but very specifically for our country. Prayer groups have been formed in churches, neighborhoods, among men, mother's praying for their school–age children, in nursing homes, in hospitals, and many in prisons. God is truly answering my prayer that this would happen and I praise him for it.

The third addition of Sword will be out soon and it includes a chapter on the unity of the church. I hope that you will be blessed as you pray these new scriptures for God's commission for his church.

July 1995 Issue