Healing Line

Healing Line

From the Mailbox

November 1995

Praise God! As I began praying the deliverance and healing prayers in Sword of the Spirit for others, the Lord set me free in areas I needed inner healing.

I am an "ex-gay" and have found Sword of the Spirit really powerful in our ministry for people who want to leave the gay lifestyle. I was sharing the Deliverance Prayer and scriptures with my friend and we think our leaders and members would benefit from this book. It is just wonderful.

I believe the Lord God has given me a wonderful grace to pray the Sword of the Spirit from the moment I received it. He has gracefully answered me, not because of my worthiness, but for His greater glory. Like Francis, I am also a resigned, married Catholic priest who has been reconciled to the Church. It is necessary that I continue to minister to the people of God in my capacity of ordained priest. Thank you for Sword of the Spirit, it truly is inspired by the Lord.

We have a very fruitful prison ministry doing a great deal of deliverance with the prisoners. Your book Sword of the Spirit has been like a piece of the puzzle in our ministry. What an anointing that book has. Thank you for sharing it with us.

After using Sword of the Spirit for a few days, I felt God open my eyes to the fact that our church family could benefit greatly from it's own intercessory prayer group. This has just been introduced. We pray that the Lord will bring forth those to whom He is calling into this ministry. Your ministry is a real blessing in such a hurting world. Words cannot express how thankful we are.

My grandson was born with a severe brain disorder, but now he is much better than the doctors ever thought possible when he was born. His abnormal brain patterns have become normal and almost all seizure patterns have stopped. Thank all of you for your prayers.

You have been praying for a six- year-old boy that the doctors diagnosed with bone cancer. Just last week, the doctors examined him, and can find no evidence of cancer. Praise God for his healing!

I'm getting help for my financial problems — Praise God, I'm tithing!!

My daughter's depression has completely lifted. Thank you for your prayers.

My sister's marriage was saved from divorce. Her husband has softened in his actions to her and the children. Thank you for your prayers! With God all things are possible.

Thank you for your prayers. My thyroid tumor was not malignant!

November 1995 Issue