Praise Reports
by Joy Lamb
Spring 1996
1000 Prayer Groups Formed
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you "out there somewhere" who have started prayer groups, and are praying not only for there own needs and the prayer requests from CHM, but for the needs of the Nation using Sword Of The Spirit. A year and a half ago, in the Spring of 1994, we made an offer to give away four books to anyone interested in starting a prayer group. The response to that offer was overwhelming. Within a few weeks over 1,000 people had responded and raised up a small army of intercessors praying the Scriptures.
What is so amazing is that every state in the country is represented, plus every denomination. Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Pentecostals, Assembly of God, Church of God, Messianic Jewish Temple, Charismatic, Healing Centers, Prison Ministries, Women's Aglow, men's and women's prayer groups from all walks are all praying in unity for our nation.
I have put many of the praise reports from these groups in The Healing Line. Your praise letters have really been appreciated, and your comments more than a welcome note to our hearts and ears. The offer of the free books is no longer available because of the need to print a third edition of Sword Of The Spirit. Nonetheless the requests for the book are still coming in and the prayer groups are still being birthed. Miracles are abounding everywhere!
Our intercessors are asked never to discuss any name on the list with another person. When we receive a prayer request at CHM, a person's identity is never disclosed, we only use first names. We do not print the actual problem that the person may be having. We simply put that name under Physical, Inner Healing, or Deliverance, etc., whatever category covers the need. We hope it is understood that all intercessors honor this confidence at CHM.
So many people hesitate to ask for prayer for fear that their problem will be aired across the nation. Some hesitate to "ask" God for things. Know God's wants all of your requests, great and small. Getting a supernatural answer to prayer is God's way. of letting a person know he is truly active on planet earth. HE IS REAL and He loves us more than we could possibly imagine!
Please Pray for CHM
- Please join our intercessors in praying for the upcoming Grief Seminar in May. Many people who are in a lot of emotional pain will be there and a foundation of prayer support will make the ministry more fruitful.
- Pray for the staff and volunteer prayer ministers at CHM. The increased number of people that we can minister to on site because of our 50 new prayer ministers, means more people are getting healed. Our effectiveness has increased, and the resistance from the enemy has also heated up.
- Pray that funds will become available to renovate Dearing Hall and the Chapel. We are hosting more events there and the buildings do not present as welcoming an atmosphere as we would like to offer those who come to be blessed.