Healing Line

Healing Line

From the Mailbox

Spring 1996

Level II School of Healing Prayer

This note is meant for everyone who was involved in anyway with this very spiritual gathering. I find it difficult to put into words the way I feel about the four days I spent at CHM. I do know that i am still processing the gifts that I received: information presented with love, healing, and the affirming of ideas I already believe and experiences I've had. The peaceful surroundings and the kindness extended to me was heart warming. I believe I will be drawing on all of this for some time to come.

Thank you one and all for everything. I praise and thank God for each of you ... your dedication, commitment, hard work, sharing of your gifts, time and talents.

I'd like to bring you up to date on our prayer group. We meet the first Monday of every month. The Father is first of all purifying all of us, much inner healing has taken place. We are now having people with needs come to the prayer groups for us to pray for them. We pray for the first hour as a group and then the people from outside the group come toward the end. It is wonderful to watch the Father at work! We are blessed, and it feels wonderful to be one of the 1,000 prayer groups* that have begun since 1994.
*now closer to 2,000!

Thanksgiving for Answered Prayer

It has been five years since you all began to pray for me. Before your prayers began, I was told to search for a mental institution where I could live for the rest of my life. Much healing has happened since then. I have been healed of a pituitary tumor and addiction to prescription drugs. My depression has greatly improved and I live independently and work part–time. Thanks for loving me.

I asked for prayers for my brother for prostate cancer. His doctor has informed him that his PSA has dropped low enough to postpone surgery. Thank you so much for praying for him.

Thank you for praying for the three friends whose names i sent in. Your prayers are already having a profound effect. Signs of healing for all three have been felt.

I had been given a very bad prognosis due to inoperable cancer, however now I am feeling much better. Have even gotten my appetite back, no pain. Thanks so much for praying.

Fall 1996 Issue