Praise Reports
Spring 1997
Prayer Requests
Please be assured that your personal prayer requests are still the number one priority at CHM. We consistently send out about 6,000 personal requests every two months, and over 500 intercessors pray for these needs on a daily basis. As intercessors, we also pray and fast for these other issues. Many of CHM's prayer ministers, staff and intercessors are fasting and praying with great intention for the healing of our nation. This is in addition to lifting up to the Lord specific personal prayer requests from those who call and write to us.
From the Mailbox
I had been trying to get pregnant for 15 years until I gave up two years ago. I recently asked for prayer for this, thinking we have tried everything else — this probably won't hurt! Well, I am excited to tell you that I am pregnant!!! Thank you with all my heart for your prayers.
My cancer continues in remission and a recent bone scan shows fewer tumors. I am so grateful for your prayers
Our little friend was operated on for a brain tumor at age four. The doctors did not encourage us. We had asked your group to pray for him. He just celebrated his sixth birthday, and he is doing just great. He is energetic and so strong, A wondrous change from his last two birthdays. We thank God for his miraculous healing. He loves kindergarten and is doing very well. Thank you so much for your prayers. We are so grateful.
Received over the phone — While praying, using Sword of the Spirit, for a neighbor's surgery for cancer of the colon, a lady reported that not only did the surgery go well for her neighbor, with a good prognosis for the future, but she had received an unexpected prayer bonus for herself. As she read the prayers out of the book for a few days, she found that she had to remove her glasses to see the type. A little concerned, she went to her eye doctor who confirmed that her eye sight was now inexplicably perfect! Her own eye sight was restored to 20/20 vision as she prayed for her friend's cancer. God is so faithful and good!
Last week I called for prayer for my daughter who was suffering wth pain. You said you would put us on the prayer list. A few days later she passed the kidney stone without any pain. This is unheard of... Thank you so much for your prayers. The Lord is so good.
We put a friend on the prayer list who was pregnant and doctors believed that she also had an ovarian tumor that was cancerous. She had a baby boy, and the doctors said that the tumor was gone. No cancer, and no surgery! This woman did not want prayer, but it has changed her life.