Healing Line

Healing Line

Cutting Yourself Free from Unholy Unions

by Norma Dearing
Summer 1997

My article in the last issue of The Healing Line covered the importance of cutting yourself free from the residue of oppression after ministry and staying spiritually, mentally and physically healthy. In this issue, I would like to discuss another important aspect of cutting yourself free: being free of previous sexual partners. When we join with a person physically, whether it is in fornication, adultery or homosexuality, we also join that person spiritually.

"Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a harlot is one body with her? For He says, the two will become one flesh." 1 Cor. 6:16

If we think in terms of being "connected" to all the people in the past with whom we have had intimate relations (many before knowing Jesus), it is overwhelming to contemplate. Many of these connections were very unhealthy, perhaps even when we were under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Many people have told me they were so sexually active in their college days or military lives that they can't even remember all the people. In these cases, we pray a general prayer trusting that the Lord remembers and will cut them free.

When two people join physically, spiritually and emotionally outside of marriage, the two become one flesh in unholy union. Their spirits reach out and connect with one another. The connections that are made bring spiritual confusion and spiritual ties.

These ties will remain until they are broken. I firmly believe this is something that should be done with every couple during pre–marital counseling before a marriage is performed. A marriage entered where the couple can be united in oneness with each other and Jesus is one with the best future. In cases of divorce or death, this includes being cut free from previous spouses before remarriage. When this seems unusually difficult for a person, it may be a sign they are not yet ready to release a prior relationship and to be totally connected to another in marriage.

Other instances where a person needs to be cut free from a sexual partner in body, mind and spirit include when he or she is not a willing participant in the sexual act, as in· cases of rape, incest or sexual abuse. Tremendous healing takes place when we pray with clients in this area. There probably is still a need for healing of the memories, but this often opens the door for inner healing.

Following is a very simple prayer you may want to pray for yourself or with a prayer partner:

In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of His cross and blood, we take the sword of the Spirit and cut ___ free from all previous sexual partners. We especially cut ___ free from ___, ___, ___, ___ (first names or initials only).

We cut him/her free from these people physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. We not only cut him/her free from these people, Lord, but also from anyone and everyone with whom those people have ever had sexual relations.

We place the cross and the blood of Jesus between ___ and each of these people. We pray for a cleansing and purification of ___ 's mind, body and spirit; that he/she may walk in wholeness, purification and redemption.

Fill ___ with the power of Your Holy Spirit, that he/she may walk in Your abundant grace and mercy.

Fill him/her, Lord, with Your love, that it may permeate all dark and lonely places. Most of all, Lord, help ___ to know how much You love him/her and how special he/she is to You.

In Jesus' precious name, Amen.

Norma Dearing is the Director of Prayer Ministry at CHM. Summer 1997 Issue