Healing Line

Healing Line

God DOES Answer Our Prayers

by Joy Lamb
Spring 1999

I was so discouraged as I watched the recent drama in Washington. I asked God if He would show me some positive aspects of it that I could pass on to the intercessors.

Two days later, I saw in Cal Thomas' syndicated newspaper column a reference to a magazine called American Enterprise which had devoted its January/February issue to an article entitled, "Is America Turning A Corner?" I immediately called and asked them to send me a copy. I was amazed. All the issues for which we had prayed seemed to be laid out before me. God IS with us. He DOES answer prayer. Praise God with me for the "good news" taken from that issue of American Enterprise, a magazine published in Washington, D.C.

  • Americans are deciding that a letdown in moral values is a major cause of our problems today.
  • Although we still have a long way to go, the number of illegitimate births is decreasing: "The drop in illegitimate births is one of the most heartening American developments in years."
  • Abortion in America has been on a gentle decline for more than a decade. Now, about a quarter million fewer babies are terminated each year.
  • "Somewhat suprisingly," given the situation of popular culture today with gross sexual imagery, young Americans are having second thoughts about the advisability of early sexual experience. A majority of teens now disapprove of and avoid early sex.
  • We are seeing a national reduction in crime. Rape, robbery, aggravated assault and murder are at or near quarter–century lows.
  • The murder rate in the U.S. is at its lowest since the 1960s.
  • "After a worrisome 20–year jag upward" (tied to the break down of families), the teenage suicide rate is now reversing.
  • The number of school dropouts is declining.
  • There has been an increase in charitable giving.
  • Religious renewal is most visible among the young.
  • Less TV watching is occuring among young people and families.
  • Finding fulfillment at home, women are leaving careers to become full–time wives and mothers.
  • Gangs have diminished.
  • Prayer groups are springing up in prisons.
  • Drug cartels have lost their leaders. (Drug lords are dead or in prison.)
  • Drug use is down.

These are such "faith builders," aren't they? When we see answers to our prayers, it really does encourage us to keep on keeping on.

Even when we wonder, "What has become of us?" we can be reassured, knowing that God is accomplishing all things that concern us. He will never fail us, and He WILL purge this land from all evil. There is one spring cleaning act that we all might find helpful: a prayer of forgiveness. Remember: the Lord cannot act unless we make a conscious effort to forgive a particular person or situation. If we want to continue to see things change for the better, we must forgive.

The purpose of Jesus' death was the pouring out of His blood for many for the forgiveness of sins. He agonized in the Garden of Gethsemane, for He did not want to go through the agony of death. But He also knew it would be the only way to fulfill the promises of God and the only way to bring us forgiveness and life. Never forget, however, that He does require that we forgive as we are being forgiven.

Thank you for your faithfulness in continuing to pray for the healing of our Church and our Land.

Joy Lamb is the Director of Intercessory Prayer Ministry at CHM. Spring 1999 Issue