God Is Our Lifeline: A Testimony of Healing
by Cheryl Broderick
Fall 1999
"Do not be afraid of sudden terror, nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes; for the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught" Proverbs 3:25–26.
It is through the trials of life that the word of God becomes a lifeline to us. We never know what we will have to face in this life, but we have the assurance that God will never leave us nor forsake us.
In May of 1993, I was about to be graduated from Bible college, but before graduation I became very ill. I was extremely weak and had a hard time standing up. I didn't know what was wrong, so I just kept pushing myself which made my condition worse.
It's a scary feeling when you don't have any control over your body. When I pushed too hard, I couldn't even stand up without passing out or falling over. I was bedridden and missed a lot of school, but I finally was able to graduate and get my life back in order.
I did fine until December of 1993, when I began having tremendous headaches and feeling dizzy all the time. I started asking God, "What is wrong with me?"
In February of 1994, the tests began, physically as well as spiritually. I went through CAT scans, MRI's, Spinal Taps, balance tests, hearing tests — you name it, I was tested for it. The doctors prescribed seven different medications to treat the symptoms, because they didn't know what was wrong. All the tests were negative, and they couldn't find anything wrong with me.
My spiritual testing also began. My Christian friends gave me a variety of opinions, advice and counsel: I was making it up for attention; if I had faith I would be healed; I was demon–possessed; I had become difficult to be around and perhaps my attitude was wrong. Subsequently, my faith in God became much stronger, because He was the only one at that time who was a constant comfort and encouragement to me. His Word was all I had to stand upon.
As you can imagine, at this point I was beginning to wonder if I WAS making it up for attention. I asked myself, are you that "sick" that you would create this in your mind? Are you that desperate for attention? Is this all really just in your head? Then an attack would hit, and I would know without a doubt that I was not making it up: It was real.
Eventually, I was led to a neurological specialist in Nebraska. He took one look at me and said, "I know what is wrong with you. You have what is known as Vestibular Neuronitis. It's an inflammation of the inner ear nerve."
Finally, there was a name for this thing. And this doctor knew I wasn't making it up! What a relief! I asked the doctor when it would stop. He said that I would have to live with it for the rest of my life and learn to cope with it.
A deep depression tried to take over my life. But I kept relying on God's Word that He works all things together for His good and the good of those who love Him. I kept believing that He would use this condition for His ultimate plan either through healing me or through walking through it with me.
As time passed, I did learn to live with it. I learned how to take care of myself when I felt an attack come on. I learned how to change my life so that I had a little more control over the attacks.
I also was blessed with a number of people praying for me. My church body was praying for me, and the intercessors at Christian Healing Ministries were praying for me.
In late 1995, I began dating a man who at first was very kind and supportive of me and my condition. He claimed he knew God meant for us to be together, and I was praying for God's direction in this area of my life. However, after several months he told me he believed I was manipulating and controlling him with my sickness. This was the last straw. I was devastated. Here was another person judging me and my illness, a person whom I had begun to trust and depend upon.
In 1996, I went to a prayer service at church, and there was a prophesy that God was going to do miracles that night. I reached my hand out and said in my heart, "Lord, if you intend it for me, I receive it ."
For two–and–a–half years prior to this, every time I stood I felt I was on a boat struggling for my balance. When the condition was at its worst, I felt I was in very choppy waters. I also had a continual sound in my ears, like static on a television.
But that night, as I stood up, I felt no dizziness or faintness. And for the first time in two–and–a–half years, I did not hear that noise in my ears. Praise God!
I believe it was through the prayers of faithful people that I was totally healed of this debilitating condition. I also believe ever more strongly in God's grace, everlasting mercy, sovereignty and healing power.
I realize now that all those who hurt me were ignorant of what I was truly going through and of what God was doing. I say that not to condemn these individuals, as I know they thought they were doing what was best, but to encourage those who may be going through what I did at this time. God was making me rely solely on Him for encouragement, strength and love. And He has used this very powerfully in my life to prepare me for where He wants me headed both in my life and in His ministry.
God is for us. He is our tower of refugee, our strength and our shield. He is our deliverer and our defender. He is a very present help in time of trouble. Be strong and know that He is God. No matter what the circumstance, God is in control, and He loves us with an everlasting love. "If God is for us, who is against us?" (Rom. 8:31 ).
Prayer works, and I praise God for people who stood in the gap for me and lifted me up when I needed support. Thank you, all you intercessors, for lifting up the hands of those who are heavily burdened.
Cheryl Broderick is the Communications Assistant at CHM. |