Healing Line

Healing Line

Praise Reports

Fall 1999

Healing Through Prayer and Medicine

Thank you so much for your prayers for my niece's husband, Andrew. They are a young couple with a four year old son. Andrew recently My 49–year–old sister was stricken with CML (Chronic Myleocynitic Leukemia). It was so severe that the doctor called her on a Thursday evening, told her the news and instructed her to be at the hospital the next morning.

I called you to ask for prayer. Does prayer work? Oh, my goodness! The doctors call her their "poster child" for the way she has progressed during this process. After everything was said and done, she didn't need the marrow transplant. Instead, after her third round of chemo, they harvested her own stem cells and transplanted them in January. There is no sign of leukemia now, and she is back at work. Thank you for your support and prayers.


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I recently noted your request for more intercessors. The testimony above your notice drew my attention: "Susie" spoke of how much the book The Sword of the Spirit helped her maintain the faith she needed to combat breast cancer. Her enthusiasm was inspiring, and the outcome was assured as she returned again and again to the Word.

As you are aware, most Christians are unaware of God's promises regarding healing. And for those of us who are still learning of God's faithfulness and power in such areas, it remains a blessing to be discovered and shared with others again and again. When we truly become aware of what limits Christ has gone to in order to assure us of our redemption AND healing, we can reach out with the faith He intended us to use for His glory and our blessing.

Please add my name to your list of prayer warriors. Participating more closely with this ministry would be a blessing.

Yours in Him,
Jim in Oregon, Ohio

No Prayer Request is too Small

Praise to Jesus! And thanks for your prayers. Our housing situation has been settled and we have moved. Our new landlord is a jewel, and our new home is a beautiful cottage next door to family! Jesus has answered so many prayers this past month. We can't begin to share all of His goodness. We do hold YOU in OUR hearts and prayers always!

Tom and Anne in Buffalo, New York

Dear CHM:

My husband had been having frequent, debilitating, painful attacks in the gut area which his primary care doctor thought to be Irritable Bowel Syndrome. But the specialist said it was too severe for that and that the fever wouldn't be present with IBS. All the tests and bloodwork came back normal. The specialist had to concur with the diagnosis given to my husband over 20 years ago: Mediterranean Fever. Very little is known about this, and the only medication found to be useful to some degree is colchicine. One thing for sure is that stress can trigger the symptoms.

Since I've asked for prayer for my husband, he has done beautifully with no problems. I was thrilled, but then he felt an attack coming on and didn't sleep well. I didn't understand why this happened. There was no apparent reason for stress. Then it came to me. I had just had a mammogram and ultrasound which showed two enlarged lymph nodes under my arm. With my 11 years of recurrent breast cancer, there was some reason for concern. There was the stress.

I reassured my husband that there are many reasons for "benign" enlarged nodes and the news did not bother me. I had the courage to pray over him and "rebuke" this sickness in the name of Jesus. I asked my husband to do the same. The next day, he was well.

Again, I was reminded of my prayer partners at CHM. Thank you! I tan't help but feel more connected when I know you are praying with us than when we are praying alone.

In Him,
Carolyn in Mesa, Arizona

Fall 1999 Issue