Healing Line

Healing Line

Praise Reports

Winter 1999

Unity through God's Holy Spirit

I wrote you some time ago about the mess that we had allowed the enemy to bring into our church. He tried to separate and tear down what God had ordained.

Well, glory to God, we are all back on course and in our right places. Jesus has healed our church and drawn all of us back to Him in His love and through the unity of His Holy Spirit. But it was only by His holy Name and His precious blood. I thank you and will never forget Christian Healing Ministries and your prayers.

God bless you,
Lake City, Florida

Comments about SHP Level 1 course:

A real eye–opener and a tool I will value in my personal prayer as well as in ministering to others. —Gill

I have been able to identify with and use much of the course on a personal level and with others. I feel on one level I've been given a fresh vision of the Lord, but also very practical guidance on praying for healing for others. It changed my life, and transformed my relationship with God. —Sandra

It built my faith, understanding Jesus' reason for being with us. —Salvina

Everything was helpful and of value, and the worship time was precious. I am very grateful to have been given the opportunity to take part.

It has opened my eyes to a whole new dimension spiritually and has given me a bigger picture of God. (Sounds very inadequate for something that has been life–changing!) Someone said this course was like a pilgrimage, and it has been just that — a journey with fellow travelers, highs, lows, hard work, a blessing, painful, maturing, developing. And I will never be the same again! —Michele

Generational Healing

I was down there in April to receive prayer. I am an adult child of two alcoholics and the oldest of five children. Boy, did we ever have some hard work to do! The Lord was faithful and I realized why I was sick–emotionally and physically ....

The most powerful thing that happened to me was healing of the generations. I did what you asked and wrote out all my generational baggage, and my page was foll on both sides. I took the Holy Eucharist and I felt as if something broke away. I can't tell you how I feel now. I have so much peace — it's unbelievable! I feel the love of Jesus so strongly. I am no longer depressed. I am learning to give up control. What a relief!

Being with all of you was a mighty gift from the Lord. Thank you for being His servants.

Love in Jesus, Sharon in North Carolina

Dear CHM:

I have been writing to a daughter of a former neighbor of ours who is in prison and has been for the last 15 years. I sent her a copy of "Sword of the Spirit" and she has been on your prayer list. She has been in bondage to drug addiction, among other things.

We just returned from our winter vacation, and her mother told me that she is a changed person. She is taking a Bible study by correspondence. Praise God! And thank you to all who have prayed for her. Please continue to pray and ask God to strengthen and protect her. Everyone had given up on her. Thank you, God!

Winter 1999 Issue