Healing Line

Healing Line

CHM Prayer Angels Going Strong

by Katie Bauwens
Summer 2000

Editor's Note: Shortly before the birth of her daughter, Emma Grace, in February, Kristi Russell chose to quit working and become a full–time mommy. We are so grateful to the Lord for answering this prayer for a miracle child in the life of Kristi and her husband, Matt (see The Healing Line, Winter 1999 ). We are also grateful to Him for answering CHM's prayer for a new coordinator for the intercessory prayer program. Katie Bauwens, daughter of long–time employee and friend Ann Bauwens, and herself a "miracle child" (as reported in the Winter 1998 issue of The Healing Line), has taken over as coordinator for the program. This is her first article.

The Intercessory Prayer Program at Christian Healing Ministries is growing each day. Since February, I have seen the Lord answer many prayers. Prayer needs come into our office daily, and it is my honor to get the word out so they can be lifted to the Lord. I receive encouragement weekly through the praise reports of what the Lord has done for those who have requested prayer. From the healing of eyesight to the sale of a home, the Lord is doing great things.

Currently, 350 faithful prayer angels serve this program. My goal is to have 200 more Intercessors join our team. Weekly, the ministry receives over 150 prayer requests via telephone and letters, and the intercessors support the ministry itself, as well as staff members, in prayer.

Intercessory prayer is a key part of CHM. It serves as a covering for those of us here, as well as for many of our other brothers and sisters in Christ. We are called to fight the battle against Satan, and intercessory prayer is a great way to do just that. The prayer is like a shield that we as Christians can hold for others who need His healing touch.

Recently, I received a letter about a picture of intercessory prayer that God gave to one of our intercessors: "I looked up through the heavenlies, and high above I saw the Lord sitting on the circle of the earth. It looked like a glass cake dome with our universe inside. He looked at everything going on inside, but we could not see out. A beautiful sound came to my ears; layer after layer of voices rising through the heavenlies to the throne. It was an awesome and marvelous sound reminding me of what the Scripture says about His voice sounding like the noise of many waters. As I listened to the prayers rising, I could pick out men's, women's and children's voices. I could hear the names of the people they were lifting to the Lord. As the prayers . reached the circle where the Lord sat, bright flashes of light would speed to the earth. I recognized these as angels dispatched with help and answers from God. How secure and loved we are by the Lord! How could we ever praise Him enough!"

I think that this beautiful picture demonstrates how important our prayers are to the Lord. The faithfulness of the Lord to our needs in accordance with His will are awesome. I praise and thank the Lord for all He does. I trust He will bring the prayer angels that are called to join our team. If you are feeling called to be an intercessor at Christian Healing Ministries, I would love to hear from you.

Katie Bauwens is the Intercessory Prayer Coordinator at CHM. Summer 2000 Issue