Healing Line

Healing Line

Praise Reports

Summer 2000

Granddaughter Healed

Dear CHM:

I so appreciate the prayer ministry of Christian Healing Ministries. On October 6, 1997, my Granddaughter, Elizabeth Mercy (last name omitted), was born with very little chance of living — and if she lived, of living a normal life. Everything that needed to be working was not.

Today she is a healthy, normal, intelligent little girl happily growing up with her six big sisters. For all of this (many miracles), we give God all the glory. For you see, I called Christian Healing Ministries for prayer, and all of you prayed.

I would consider it such a privilege to be one of the intercessors for CHM. My husband died in 1989, leaving a great empty hole in my life, which the Lord Himself has filled. I have five children and 27 grandchildren. God has been so faithful to me.


"I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord," Psalm 118:17

"The Lord is for me among those who help me." Psalm 118:7

These are the two promises that God gave me concerning my son the day I was admitted to the hospital on Easter Saturday, 1999. Jamie had been diagnosed through an ultrasound as having a cystic adenamatoid malformation, a cystic growth in his right lung, and I had excessive amniotic fluid in my womb as a result of his condition.

We would like to thank all those who prayed for Jamie and for us as a family these past months. We believe God has answered our prayers and has worked a miracle. Jamie underwent major surgery the day after he was born to remove the cystic growth. He was on the ventilator for 2 weeks and in the hospital for seen weeks from the time of his birth. After the operation he had a sixth of his lung capacity, and he was on oxygen for six weeks. Now he has 100 percent oxygen saturation reading and is putting on weight as fast as he can.

Although still little for his age, he is catching up with his contemporaries, and we are sure in a little while no one would believe what he has been through unless they saw his scars. He is so full of joy, so happy and content. We firmly believe this is the result of all the prayers.

God is so good, and He is faithful to His promises. May He bless you and your families, as you have been a blessing to us.

Stuart, Sarah, Elijah and Jamie

Dear CHM:

Good news! Our son and his wife are leaving their current location to move to Virginia, where he has accepted a job with an engineering firm. it is answered prayer. I asked the prayer team and all the intercessory prayer warriors to pray that he would get the job the Lord has for him. Also, their marriage is being healed — another answered prayer!


Out of a Coma

Joey is now 21 years old.Since he was a child, he has had a shunt in his brain to draw off water. He suffered brain seizures. The doctors had to operate the first week of January because he was having too many seizures. He developed a fever. He had another seizure in ICU and they operated again. His fever shot up to 104 degrees and was heading up, so they put him in an ice blanket for 14 days, where he went into a coma. They told his parent s that they had no real hope that he would live. The fever remained. The Vineyard Church intercessors were praying. I called Christian healing Ministries' prayer request line. Three days later, with all of us praying, the Lord did it! The fever left and he came out of the coma — laughing! Joey lived. A miracle!! The doctors recognized the miracle and said so. Joey is doing well.

Thank you so much for your prayers, which God in His love and mercy has answered.


From a Prayer Recipient who came to CHM for Intensive Prayer Ministry (IPM):

I have to tell you I didn't really believe I had any great issues to resolve, but something beautiful happened at CHM. The Lord provided the mothering that I didn't receive as a child. Three dear women ministered to me hour upon hour, and I felt a mother's love. I am so grateful for these prayer warriors!

Thank you for allowing me to be released from a generational curse of betrayal and for allowing the holy Spirit to fill my heart with a mother's love.


Summer 2000 Issue