Healing Line

Healing Line

Praise Reports

Fall 2000

The Rev. Mike Evans, of CHM's National Advisory Board, reports on his recent visit to India:

What miracles we saw! The majority of people for whom we prayed were instantly healed! There was such excitement and expectation in the air at each of these meetings.

Bill Chaney (who was with our group) prayed for one lady who was blind in both eyes, and she was completely healed! I prayed for a lady who was blind in one eye and she was healed! We prayed for deaf people who were healed, people with breathing problems that cleared up immediately, people with leg and hip problems who walked away with no pain whatsoever. We commanded demons to go and they left immediately. It was incredible!

At one point I remember thinking, "This must have been what Jesus' disciples felt like ." What a glorious gift God gave us!

Note from Francis: We know Mike very well and trust his description of their experience in India. We·, too, have experienced such dramatic healings in Third World Countries. We do not understand why so much seems to happen in such places when we pray, but it does. Praise the Lord for the work He is doing in India.

My niece, traveling in Israel, sprained both ankles and broke one on the second day. In answer to prayer, God made it possible for her to walk on the broken ankle for eight days. The bone remained in place and started to knit. It is continuing to heal. The enemy couldn't keep this girl from seeing God's Holy Land!

Sincerely, Peg in New York

My son returned to church after 15 years away! Praise be to God!

Beverly in Marietta, New York

Praise to God, the Comforter and Sustainer we depend on! Our son, born with a pervasive development disorder, is experiencing much more joy and peace daily. The Lord has lead us to many answers on his behalf, including a church in our area which takes Jesus' command to care for the poor and needy seriously — and has developed a wonderful special needs ministry! We are so grateful!

Forrest in Minnesota

Gene was healed of kidney failure and grand mal seizure. The doctors say it's nothing less than a miracle. She's home and off the respirator and dialysis. Thank you for praying!

Barbara in Missouri

Thank you so much for your ministry and for being prayer warriors. My son, Alex, was put on the prayer list because he was having seizures. Praise be to God — he has not had a seizure in over six months!

Thank you! Susan in West Virginia

Dear CHM:

I was suffering severe back pain and asked for prayer.It was not determined what was causing the pain. I was the prayer leader for a seminar and was afraid that I would not be able to lead — the pain was that severe. Through your prayers, I went through the seminar and am pain–free. Please continue to pray for healing for my arthritis. Thank you, and God bless you for your support.

Mary in Miami

Dear Christian Healing Ministries:

I called your prayer line with a request for my father. At 84 years old he was still resisting the Gospel message mainly because of our Jewish heritage. I left the message while in his hospital room and asked for prayer for his salvation.I have been praying for this since my own conversion in 1973. It became apparent that my father would not recover. On July 1, 2000, my father ceased to resist the Gospel and became a son of the kingdom. He passed from this world to the next on July 2. I have been in close fellowship since 1973, and countless numbers have prayed for my father's salvation.

Praise the Lord!
Thank you,
Nina in Jacksonville

Healing of Asthma

When I came to CHM, I requested healing for my asthma. It was a constant health issue for me and was triggered by my allergies I wanted all of you to know that last week — in the midst of allergy season, no less — my physician took me . off my inhaler. My lung function tests were in the normal range my past two visits!!I wanted to thank all of you for your prayers and your faithfulness to your ministry. God uses all of you in powerful ways to not only heal physically and emotionally but also to build up the faith of the people you touch.

Thank you again, and God bless you all!
Praise be to God!
In His love,

Fall 2000 Issue