Healing Line

Healing Line

Praise Reports

Winter 2000

To Everyone at CHM,

In July, our entire family was fortunate to attend the Day of Healing Prayer. Both of our sons have many, many allergies which can provoke life–threatening reactions from eating, breathing or even touching certain substances. Our elder son can also be triggered into potentially fatal asthma attacks.

It was wonderful to receive prayer from Ann Bauwens. We knew God was with us in that moment, and the boys became wonderfully at ease. My husband and I were both renewed after years of providing "hyper–vigilant care."

Later, Francis prayed for each of us and specifically asked my elder son if he felt any difference in his lungs. He couldn't notice any difference at the moment, but when he returned to the hotel, he swam two lengths of the pool under water — longer than ever before. A few weeks later, he told me he thought he had received a delayed healing because he hadn't needed his inhaler the entire week of basketball camp. Now, more than two months later, he is celebrating the fact that he has only needed his inhaler twice since those prayers. This is an improvement of a hundredfold.

Our younger son reacts to his allergies in ways that are less urgent, but still severe. He also has watched his brother speed away to the emergency room far too often. During the concluding prayers of the day, he was slain in the Spirit. Later, he cold me that he had seen a fiery angel come and cut all the darkness away from his heart. He has always been buoyant and extroverted, but by the next morning, he could hardly be contained in a hotel room! We spent the whole day outside so that he could sing at the top of his lungs.

Now, the boys would like to make a contribution to your work. They mowed grass, pruned trees and edged lawns to earn this money. My younger son, who is nine, thought they should earn and send at least $20, but my elder, who is 11, said, "Let's do 50!"

Our boys have, among their chores, the job of scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom floors every Saturday morning. After hearing about CHM's being able to find funding for computers but not for mops, i.e., operational expenses, they agreed that you should use this money however you want. And if you need a mop, get a good one!

We are very, very grateful to the Lord.

All the best,

Update for my Prayer Warriors:

I'm feeling great! Praise God! I am working the Billy Graham Crusade two nights as a coordinator of 150 volunteers helping the handicapped. Look what our awesome God has got me doing!

Also, I go to Mayo Clinic in November for a complete, extensive MRI. They have confirmed my healing clinically by examination, but now they want to see the brain. I was hesitant at first because I know I'm healed, but then I thought this would be proof for them and serve as a profound witness!

Much love, Cathi in Jacksonville

Dear CHM:

My husband, Bill, and I are great bicycle enthusiasts. Many times, we have ridden 30 to 60 miles a day. On July 4, 1997, we went for a local ride. When we started out, I felt a little fatigued, but thought once we got going I'd be fine. It did not happen. I kept feeling like I was riding with a head wind. I was having difficulty pedaling and breathing. I kept having to stop for a rest and catch my breath. Finally, Bill suggested we stop and get something to eat.

When the food was brought to the table, I was too fatigued to chew and swallow. I tried sipping a drink through a straw and had trouble sucking on the straw. We left the cafe and managed to get home.

Within a week, I was unable to keep any food down at all and found myself choking on liquids. After an emergency visit to my doctor and a surgeon for suspected appendicitis, I was sent home with what they thought was a probable stomach flu. I did not get any better and found I could swallow liquids with the consistency of milk, if drunk slowly.

I went to a Gastroenterologist for many tests. He found my digestive system had stopped. He tried many different medications but none worked. By now I was taking eight laxatives a day and Slim Fast for nutrition, along with many different medications. He finally suggested having my colon removed and inserting a feeding tube into my small intestine. I refused.

In October of 1997, my gallbladder was removed. It was precancerous. After this surgery, I still had trouble swallowing, constantly choking. In November, a test was done to check the muscles in my tongue and throat. They were very weak. I was unable to run my tongue on the outside of my teeth. When they put food on my tongue, it collapsed, unable to move it to the back of my mouth. That same month, my eyes started to act strange. I could not focus on anything moving or too much color. I would get double vision. Lights bothered me so much I had to wear dark glasses even inside. I developed tremors in my hands, and I had difficulty buttoning my clothes or opening a lock with a key. By December, I had to give up driving because of my eyes and the fact that I was unable to hold my hands on the steering wheel.

In January of 1998, I quit my job and went to the Mayo Clinic, where I suffered exhaustive testing until June. They tried many different medications. Some would work for a couple of weeks, but then the symptoms would come back. In July, they suggested redoing all the testing. I said I wanted a break. It was also very expensive.

My doctor at home continued to try to help me, always trying a different medication. He felt I had Myesthenia Gravis. The last medication he put me on specifically for this disease helped quite a bit, but the symptoms returned after six weeks.

By November of 1999, I was in bed most of the day. If I had to go out for any reason I had to have complete bed rest for at least two days before. One day, I was feeling particularly bad. As I was lying in bed, the book Healing, by Francis MacNutt, caught my eye. I picked it up and started reading, and it was like it was alive in my hands. Bill came home for lunch, and I told him about the book. He got excited about it, too. He went to check our e–mail. He came back to me and asked what the author's name was again. When I told him, he said, "You won't believe this, but look what just came through our e–mail." It was an application to go to Christian Healing Ministries. Neither Bill nor I knew who sent it. I called and made an appointment for Day of Healing Prayer in January, 2000.

Bill drove me, and the staff prayed for both of us. We felt so blessed and loved that healing didn't matter to me as long as I had the Healer. As we drove home, we felt like we were flying. The next morning, I got up at five a.m. and was up until 10 p.m. without having to lie down all day. I kept thinking, "Have I been healed, or is this just the excitement of the experience?" Then, I tried to move my tongue on the outside of my teeth. Praise God! I was healed. In two weeks, I was off all medication, including laxatives. I could eat and did not have any choking. I had no fatigue, and all tremors stopped. My eyes were okay, too. I visited my doctor in March and told him what happened. He could not understand it, and he said I did not have to see him again except for my yearly physical in November. I have continued to gain strength. Bill and I are back to bike riding, walking, and enjoying many things we were unable to do for more than two years. I've gotten so much strength back in my hands and arms, I am even able to start the lawn mower and mow the lawn.

Through all of this, God provided for us. Because there was no official diagnosis, I was unable to get disability. But we never were unable to pay a bill. God always provided and blessed us. He also showed us the way to Christian Healing Ministries. We are very thankful for each of you at CHM who are open to listen to God and act on His Word. May God bless you, for He used you as an instrument in my healing.

In His love,
Joann in Daytona, FL

Winter 2000 Issue