Healing Line

Healing Line

Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do,

Winter 2001

It's amazing how many people receive inner healing when we sing a prayer in tongues tor them. Here are three testimonies from just one conference (Fishnet, Rutland, VT, July 2001).

1. "I had a vision of Jesus holding me in His arms, singing to me. Every fear and every hurt came into my mind while Jesus just held me, and I knew then that nothing can hurt me when I am in His arms. The fruit: total peace and joy released in all areas of my body and mind."

2. "When Francis sang in tongues I experienced deep healing in relationship to my understanding of God's love. My childhood experience of an abusive and sadistic father and mother had been interfering with my ability to perceive God as loving and caring. I was able to perceive the many nuances of God's love: tenderness, compassion, caring, protection; and I wept. After several minutes, from somewhere behind me, I heard a strong, beautiful woman's voice, also singing in tongues. Then I experienced a mother's love and my Heavenly father's love, all in these moments. These two gifts had never been felt in my heart before."

3. "When you sang in the Spirit last night you sang a tune my grandfather used to sing to us, as babies."

4. And this is a testimony of deliverance from Satanic Ritual Abuse, inflicted by the woman's father who was a priest in a Satanic coven:

"I am most grateful that today I am free. It is taking some getting used to; I felt lighter somehow, and my mind as well as my physical sight is clearer. I am no longer wondering who in the coven has been sent to take me back and when they are corning. This world does not seem too bad a place after all. ...

Later the picture of my father came to mind. I was immediately overcome with an intense love tor my father. Given the circumstances, this is most remarkable. Even today I can see him sitting on the sofa and I am at peace. I no longer see his black heart. I no longer see him in his black robe. I no longer hear him saying strange words over me at night.

My hope is that God will use my experience in this area to help set other captives free."

5. "I am writing to praise the Lord for sending me to the intensive prayer ministry at CHM. I was not only accepted but was shown an unconditional love that I had never experienced before. And I received good help in my struggle to be set free. Thank you for your faithful service in "Destroying the works of the devil" and setting his people free."

Several years ago I ordered some tapes from you and I knew I needed more inner healing you advised me to contact Rev. Paul _____ ... I was prayed for and little by little this went away. During this time it came to me, that my mother had stopped loving me when I was three. She had lost several children and just couldn't take the pain of loving us anymore. I just wanted to thank you and praise God I was healed.

Love & prayers — Margaret

Winter 2001 Issue