God's Plan is Always Better
by Susan Twigg
Jan/Feb 2002
Over a year ago, I had asked Jeanie, my sister, if she would be willing to call Christian Healing Ministries (CHM) and make an appointment for healing prayer — she did. However, she didn't believe she had any problems other than dealing with the grief of a daughter's sudden death and a husband who wasn't walking with the Lord. Kim (her daughter) had died of a massive heart attack on November 1, 1999 — she was 32 years old.
In the opinion of Rick (Jeanie's husband) and me, Jeanie was living on the brink between a real and unrealistic world — not to mention legalistically pounding Rick with God's Word with every breath he took or move he made. She reminded me of one of those sassy little girls one might see on television who thinks they know everything — " ... so you better do everything I say and do, or else God's going to punish you." We couldn't talk or debate with Jeanie about any issue, on a balanced level, without her feeling like she was getting "ganged–up on." As a result, she would quickly turn around and go to another room saying to herself, "I'm right — I know I'm right! Who do they think they are? They don't know the Bible like me. Father God, please, fix them!" She felt hurt, rejected, isolated and sorry for herself — always thinking "if Rick would just know the Lord — everything would be all right in our lives."
At that time, Rick had not known Christ as his Lord and went as far as telling me he would have liked to pursue a relationship with God but felt he could not because of Jeanie's disposition and erratic thinking. He said that every time he would explore the idea she would become even more overbearing. As a result, Rick thought she would go off the deep end, for sure.
I had only been walking with the Lord a little less than a year, when all of this occurred. I didn't know exactly what God was showing me, but I knew He was telling me she needed help, now. I had no idea what God had in store for us — I just knew that CHM came highly recommended.
The appointment day had finally arrived, and Jeanie had to drive a little over an hour north, to my home in Jacksonville, and then together we drove thirty minutes more, further north, to CHM. I had taken several books with me to pass the time, in the waiting room, while she was receiving prayer. A gentle women came to collect her and, then, Jeanie surprised me — she asked if I could go in with her. I knew I had no choice — I had to go in with her. I'm glad she insisted — what an awesome privilege to watch God work! Jeanie was on her road to recovery — God's love broke the bondage that held her captive!
Since then, God has used that one day to change many paths, including mine. I have just completed the Level III training with the School of Healing Prayer™ and have been volunteering as a prayer minister at CHM since the beginning of this past summer. Over the past year, God has used my training as a vessel for Him to heal others placed before me — to include further spiritual, emotional and physical healing for Jeanie. I contribute continual healing prayer for my father–in–law who has cancer and is now walking strongly with the Lord. Another sister (from Arizona) surrendered to Christ Jesus while staying with me this past June. She said her decision was based upon the major changes she saw in me. Jeanie's husband, Rick, came to know the Lord last June and is walking faithfully. God's plan is always better — let Him lead the way!
I want to encourage anyone that would like God to work through them to help others or their self to order Francis' book, Healing. Also, I highly recommend that you order the School of Healing Prayer™ course materials and/or enroll in the next Level I class listed on page eleven. There is an enormous amount of hurting people in our lives who do not know their situation can change. We can help by saying, "yes, Lord, I want to help You." Judith MacNutt summed it up so beautifully at our volunteer prayer ministers' Christmas party last night, when the Lord told her to tell us "thank you":
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in,
I needed clothes and you clothed me,
I was sick and you looked after me,
I was in prison and you came to visit me.
...Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you,
or thirsty and give you something to drink?
When did we see you a stranger and invite you in,
or needing clothes and clothe you?
When did we see you sick or in prison and go visit you?
The King will reply, I tell you the truth,
whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers
[and sisters] of mine, you did for me."
(Matthew 25:35–40)