Healing Line

Healing Line

A Student's Testimony

by Anonymous
Jan/Feb 2003

Level III training at CHM — October 28–November 1 , 2002

Since 1995, when I thought I gave my life over to the Lord, I began developing a greater appreciation for prayer. The Episcopal priest at my church gave me a copy of Deliverance from Evil Spirits by Francis MacNutt and later his book Healing. I read both with great interest, realizing that I had some serious spiritual problems. I come from an Episcopal background, which I departed from on graduation from high school and didn't return to until some 32 years later. My time in between was spent with the U.S. Navy in a variety of roles including several command–at–sea tours. I mention this only to let you know I considered myself a practical, rational man, well traveled and well versed in problem solving and decision making. The spiritual world was more "hocus pocus" stuff from what I could tell. Strange events could be explained by science. What I didn't know — did hurt me.

When I look back I can now see the Lord's hand very strongly in my life, but then I didn't realize it. I spent about 17 years in the occult (not realizing the field I was in was part of the occult) looking for something to fill the void I always felt. Eventually I came to Christian Healing Ministries, following much inner healing and deliverance prayer received from my priest and others in previous years. While I knew much healing had taken place, I also knew something still wasn't quite right, so I prayed for a miracle during my week at Christian Healing Ministries, taking the Level Ill prayer course. As usual I knew little of what the Lord had in store for me.

On the first day I had a strong sense, during one of our breaks, that I was to ask one of the students to pray for me. She was a complete stranger, but I approached her anyway, introduced myself, and sat down. I asked if she would pray for me and immediately she began sobbing in what appeared to be uncontrolled pain and grief. Imagine my surprise. In my confusion I began praying for her, whereupon she told me the pain and grief she felt so strongly was mine. I was thunder struck. She prayed for me and told me I should just sit and be in the Lord's presence. I was eager to comply at that point. I didn't understand what was happening, but later that evening, when we gathered together in our prayer teams, I found myself undergoing another deliverance. It was intense, but not complete. After returning to my motel room and turning in, I woke up at 2:40 am with my body going through a variety of contortions that I knew were not mine. I spent the next several hours binding the spirit(s) and noted that in spite of much grief the Lord brought me peace in the fight. By the time I returned to class I knew I needed more prayer with someone or some team. I found I couldn't listen to the beautiful music being played, praising the Lord, so I went outside to collect myself. I was alone when Anne, CHM's Prayer Intercessor Coordinator walked by. I did not know who she was, but she said "good morning!" and I fell apart. Now I knew I was really in trouble. I couldn't even handle "good morning". This simply was not me!

She immediately came and helped me, calmed me down and took me where we could pray. I had a splitting headache and backache and was wide open to any relief. After some more prayer I was able to return to class, fit enough to at least listen. Anne joined me shortly and passed me a note telling me she was looking for the phone number of a prayer intercessor for me when her phone rang. The intercessor she was looking for was on the other end telling her he was being led by God to pray for someone at CHM and that he had a terrible headache! Once again I sat in utter amazement at the Lord's work. Anne filled him in about me and in a short while I was feeling much better. My headache and backache were gone. Anne stayed with me throughout the day. By evening, when we broke into our prayer teams, I was much, much better. That evening I was led by another CHM prayer warrior, Nancy, to confess the things I was holding higher than God ... sins I was not giving Him. I had to admit to Him and to myself that I hadn't given myself completely to Him. That was painful but the healing and comfort I felt afterwards were miraculous. That night I had a wonderful sleep and in the morning was filled with a joy I have never experienced!! I was dancing (I don't do that), I was singing praises out loud (I rarely do that) and I ran into Anne's office to proclaim to her my freedom in the Lord (I've never done that). She was amazed at the change.

But it didn't end there. I attended the generational Eucharist and later went into prayer with Susan, another CHM prayer warrior, who prayed over me to break any seals that I had. The deliverance I received was far more intense than that received earlier. At the end I knew the battle was won but the Lord still had work to do. Since returning home I am finding myself more steeped in prayer than ever before. My prayer life with my wife is intensifying, filled with holy laughter this morning, and my relationship with the Lord is rapidly deepening to levels I'd never imagined! God Bless you all at CHM and I thank God for using you all to restore my life.

Jan/Feb 2003 Issue