Healing Line

Healing Line

Praise the Lord and Give Thanks

Compiled by Anne Early
Jan/Feb 2005

From September Emerging Leaders Conference:

Kristin, who suffered from Lupus and multiple shoulder problems (even after 19 shoulder surgeries), testified that she believed she had been healed of both the Lupus and all shoulder problems.

Ginny, who had relived painful childhood memories the week before attending the conference, received spiritual and emotional healing: “One night during the singing Jesus came into each memory, visited me and held me. It was so peaceful... When I went up for prayer the next night, I was healed of unforgiveness and anger that I had been harboring – and my marriage was healed.”

From November 3–Day Intensive Prayer Ministry:

Holly, who came with uneven shoulders and related musculoskeletal problems, testified after three days of prayer: “There have been numerous healings throughout my body, and for the first time in my life my shoulders are even.”

Dennis, from Nigeria, had suffered a sudden and severe hearing loss and, as a result of it, emotional distress. When he arrived at CHM, he barely could hear any sounds and it was necessary for him to read lips. He could not hear any words spoken to his back. On the last day of prayer he testified with much joy, demonstrating that he had regained some hearing even of words spoken out of his line of vision, and expressing hope of continued emotional healing.

A nurse from Ecuador testified on the last day, saying: “My whole life has been changed.” She had been suffering from lupus and diabetes. During the three days of intensive prayer her blood sugar level had returned to normal. She said, “I believe I have been healed of both diabetes and lupus.”

A woman who is legally blind testified that although her physical vision had not been restored, a more profound work of a “new vision of who I am in Christ” had been accomplished. She concluded by saying, “It’s okay if He doesn’t heal my eyes.”

Several “rested in the spirit” and experienced spiritual healing when Francis and Judith laid hands on them and prayed.

From our mail, email, and by phone:

“I am blessed by your newsletters and the many tapes I have of your ministry through the years.”

“Your article ‘Beneath the Surface’ in the November/December edition of ‘The Healing Line’ touched me deeply. Finally, there is someone who can see and understand the deep scars with which emotional — and mental — abuse victims live. In a sense they suffer as much post–traumatic stress as war veterans, because they have had to fight their own wars, mental and emotional, to survive a daily battle.”

From Rebecca: “The Sword of the Spirit has changed my life and the lives of so many to whom I have given copies.”

From Pat: “Many years ago you visited Tallahassee through the invitation of Advent and Holy Spirit Episcopal churches, and I attended. You prayed for me for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and a prayer team prayed that I would receive the gift of tongues. Several months later the Holy Spirit came to me during a Eucharist and convicted me of my salvation. This Salvation healing is one I never thanked you for. I’m sure it was the result of your prayer for me and your laying on of hands. Thank you.”

From Chip, in response to request for prayer for his father: “In a way there is so much to tell, and in another it is very simple – Dad has been completely healed of the carcinoid cancer. Every one of the pathology reports regarding intestines, liver, abdominal walls and lymph nodes has been completely clear. For weeks, Dad has been reciting the verse, “I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done (Psalm 118:17).” I could see in his eyes last night that he will be proclaiming this for a long time to come.

(The Praise Reports have been edited for readability.)

Jan/Feb 2005 Issue