Healing Line

Healing Line

The Word of Their Testimony...

by Maggie Molvie
Aug/Sep 2008

It was February 14 — the day for hearts. It is one of my favorite days to spend with my family. I love the homemade cards, the dinners and other gifts.

Today was even more than all that. Today, my 12 year old son sang a new song to me that I didn’t even know he knew. I know, not so unusual. No, it was huge and significant.

George has a history of a developmental disorder that particularly challenges his level of communication with others. Often conversations are prompted by others and limited.

While driving along in the car, George spontaneously sang very clearly (and pretty in tune!) a song by “Kutless” entitled, “Promise of a Lifetime.”

We really do have heart strings and, at that moment, mine were stretched to the limit! So... I truly believe this was George’s way of communicating some of his true feelings to me. This spoke to me on many levels as his mother. Most of all, I know George has a deep relationship with our Lord.

 As prayer ministers, we never know how the Lord has spoken to and demonstrated His presence in the lives of individuals, many times strangers, that we have the privilege to pray for. The Lord has to reveal it in His way, through that individual. Yes, we can’t get around it — listen, love, and pray. You may be surprised, as I was!

 God continues to do wonders through prayer!

Maggie Molvie is a CHM Prayer Minister. Aug/Sep 2008 Issue