The Word of Their Testimony...
testimonies gathered to encourage the Body of Christ
Mar/Apr 2009
After finishing the first ever Journey to Healing Retreat, we stand in amazement and gratitude for the blessings that took place! The retreat was birthed out of a desire to minister to more people in the healing power of Jesus. Unlike our other conferences which are intended primarily for training, this conference was designed solely for the purpose of ministry. We had approached this retreat expecting God to bring deep healing and powerful redemption. I don’t think there was a single person who did not receive a touch from the Lord, including prayer ministers and staff! What a joy to witness and experience the healing love of Jesus.
We would like to share with you a sampling of some testimonies that were shared following the retreat. Many said they had never experienced anything like this. May these bring encouragement to your heart and glory to Jesus!
“I received inner healing and I feel I have received physical improvement of my arthritis”
Others testified of healing of their past, including memories of childhood abuse. Many gained a new freedom to share unconfessed sins and find forgiveness. One person explained a new ability to see “another side of God.”
One woman experienced healing of many chronic, debilitating physical and mental ailments. Praise God!
“What the Lord showed me was that I was conceived and birthed as a “fix–it Baby.” [My mom] expected that having me would fix everything — would take away her pain. Through your prayer ministers, I was able to forgive my mom for her unreasonable expectations, and I was able to forgive myself for not meeting her needs that I could never meet. What the Lord lifted from me is the burden of fixing everyone and everything… everything wrong in the world is NOT MY FAULT! What freedom!! What joy!! Thank you, Jesus.”
“Individual appointment and soaking times were very healing. Deep hurt was brought up that hadn’t been recognized — need for forgiveness — great peace received.”
“I was at a 3–day Intensive Prayer Ministry and this [retreat] was more intensive and powerful.”
“God spoke through the prayer ministers and it was healing just to express myself to them and them knowing exactly how to pray.”
“Ministers gently called forth what needed to be brought into the light and touched by God’s grace.”
“I came not really knowing what healing I needed… I left feeling more integrated, whole and able to share God’s love.”
One person felt “masses of healing, inspiration, tenderizing of the heart, empowered for the next chapter.”
“…above all it has taken me on an “E–ticket” ride in my journey to healing.”
“The generational healing prayer broke some strongholds between my ancestors and me, allowing me to accept in a new way my unique identity as God’s child.”
And all God’s people said, “Praise the Lord!” Please take note of our next Journey to Healing Retreat that will be held July 9–11, 2009. Visit our website for registration information or call 904–765–3332 ext 203.