The Word of Their Testimony...
Testimonies from CHM
Jul/Aug 2009
Testimony after Attending a School of Healing Prayer
“God blessed me beyond all human expectation during last week’s School of Healing Prayer… It was a supernatural happening I will never forget… For now the experience is written on my heart and imprinted for eternity. I communed with God. He came to me, conversed with me and touched my mind, body, and spirit.
“I could never thank you and your staff properly for preparing the ‘garden’ where we met, much less for providing the ‘manna’ we shared. As I pen these words, it occurs to me what happened. The Holy Spirit’s presence, peace, power and pleasure healed me. At times I was confronted and delivered at Gethsemane, but for the most part I walked and talked with God in Eden.
“Please invite me on the next hike to the mountain top.”
From Fr. Bob Kerner:
A brief testimony from the Kairos Closing (a Cursillo–type prison ministry), recently held at Brunswick Correctional Institution, in Lawrenceville, VA: almost all the inmate participants gave a 2–5 minute witness about their personal experience of the weekend retreat. Most spoke of life–changing impacts on their personal lives, all as a direct result of this Kairos. One man was led to forgive his brother’s murderer! He had made a vow to find him and kill him immediately following his soon expected release from prison!! As a direct result of his release of forgiveness and repentance from his resentment during the Kairos weekend, he experienced a deep sense of peace and joy he hadn’t had for years!