Healing Line

Healing Line

The Word of Their Testimony...Remembering God's Goodness in 2013

Testimonies from 2013: Remembering God's Goodness
Winter 2013/14


I have had recurring issues with cancer in my reproductive system since I was 17 years old. This past year eight biopsies were done at my checkup and all eight came back with cancer cells. My doctor wanted to do a hysterectomy immediately, which I refused, one reason being my husband received a word from God that we were going to have a baby girl. People thought we were nuts, but we scheduled the outpatient laparoscopic surgery and the same day made a trip to Christian Healing Ministries.

During this time a lot of blessings and answered prayers took place, but few stick out in my mind as much as the prayers for money. We had none. In addition to the surgery costs, I had to ask my church for the financial support to get me to Jacksonville for prayer (which was four and a half hours away). When I left for Jacksonville the projected cost of the surgery was $30,000. Phone calls offering help and discounts poured in during my drive, and by the time I arrived the cost of my surgery was reduced to $2,000. I received prayer and confirmation the entire time while at CHM; by the time I drove home I knew I was healed and had peace.

A few weeks later I went in for surgery. The post–surgical report said that although the biopsies had indicated cancer, there turned out to be only cysts and endometriosis. And get this — there was not even scar tissue from the previous years of surgeries! My doctors couldn't believe it; they ordered follow–up biopsies a month later, which all came back clean!

The day of the surgery my husband wrote a testimony that was emailed to all our friends and family and he ended it by saying this, "Thank you for all your prayers; God is still the God of healing miracles." I couldn't have said it better myself.


We attended the School of Healing Prayer® Level 2 class in July, 2012. One of the teachings was about Conception to Birth Prayer. We were able to experience this powerful form of healing prayer for ourselves in the practicum during the week.

A few months later, we were invited by a Christian counselor in our area to pray for one of her clients. During the get–acquainted part of the session the client indicated that he felt he was unwanted as a child; that naturally led to Conception to Birth Prayer. He was very responsive to the questions and cooperated amazingly when asked to share what he was seeing, feeling and experiencing. We were able to lead him through the various stages of his development, through which he received healing and deliverance from a number of abuses, curses and traumas.

The counselor was amazed and told us that this was the breakthrough they were looking for to help him experience freedom from his childhood traumas. God was so good and revealed himself to the client in such tender and intimate ways. He has shared with the counselor and with us that he is feeling a great sense of freedom, love, acceptance and belonging. He has a renewed sense of purpose in his life.

We are so appreciative to CHM for the training you provided us. We love this ministry and we love CHM. Thanks so much. May God continue to bless your ministry.


In John's gospel, he records a time when the crowds were leaving Jesus, because of his hard sayings. As he watches so many of those he loved turn from him, Jesus looks into the eyes of his friends and asks, "Do you want to go away as well?" Speaking for the twelve, Peter responds to Jesus with these words that ring for eternity, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God." It is this response by Peter that I think best describes my three days at Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, Florida.

During the three–day Intensive Prayer Ministry retreat, it was as if I was in the very center of God's presence hearing the words of eternal life whispered to me from Jesus himself. He spoke to me in my spirit, through prayer ministers, in Scripture, and through the teachings of Francis and Judith MacNutt. His words of eternal life entered into me like air filling me with much needed oxygen. His sanctifying truth entered me like blood in my veins. His perfect love entered me like the fulfillment of an impossible dream. His arms embraced me during these three days like the bathing sunlight. I was cleansed by his washing water of life that not only washes but heals too. I feel like the apostle John trying to describe his vision of the multitudes of heaven worshiping the one who sits upon the throne and the Lamb. Words are insufficient to capture the majesty of God's presence and redeeming works. I believe in him more and know more certainly that he is the Holy One of God who has saved me.

Jesus Christ crucified, resurrected, ascended and returning is the center of Christian Healing Ministries. He is the one who receives all of the glory. This is another thing I love about Christian Healing Ministries — the humility that begins with Francis and Judith and characterizes the ministry.


During prayer time at a CHM retreat, I was given a vision of a person from my past who had passed away, who I thought I had forgiven. The Lord showed me that this person was hiding behind a curtain and He revealed who the person was. I still had a root of bitterness and unforgiveness in me and could feel a knot in my stomach. The moment this was revealed to me, the knot released and I was healed. Today I'm still rejoicing in the Lord healing me. Praise the Lord!


I came to CHM expecting a physical healing for asthma. But what it was all really about was a place in me that needed spiritual healing from which the asthma resulted. I believe God is healing me from the inside out each day since the conference. It was truly a blessing to have been at CHM.


Before I attended the Ignite 2013 conference in Albany, NY, I was on a transplant list for a kidney but had also been having pain in front of my abdomen. The physicians had found cysts in my liver, which meant I would need a kidney and liver transplant. Soon after the conference I went in for a liver test, but the test came back with no cysts. They couldn't find the cysts, they're gone! Thank you, Jesus!

Winter 2013