Letter from the Editor
by Kathi Smith
Fall 2016
Dear CHM Family,
My husband and I just moved across Jacksonville. If you have ever moved, you know that many facets of moving are easy and others are difficult. I kept on saying “Why did I keep this?” and “Ah, I thought I got rid of this a long time ago.” We purged and gave away a lot of unnecessary things. We packed up photo albums of good memories. We let go of some things that were hard to part with. With time, the difficult changes will fade and we will move forward into new patterns. We now shop at a new grocery store, and a new pharmacy fills our prescriptions. We take many walks now on the nearby beach, a different place with a different view and experience.
Many facets of moving are similar to the journey toward wholeness and healing we take here at CHM with prayer recipients. With the Holy Spirit, we help people clean out “the junk” that holds them down, and help them receive inner healing for harmful memories, purging the unnecessary. Good memories, like my photo albums, we encourage them to keep. The Lord points out unhealthy patterns and folks start to view life’s paths differently. In healing we discover where to get the healthiest nourishment — further prayer, healthy fellowship, Biblical sources and teachings on wholeness. We even suggest different prescriptions and sources for wellness, creating changes in patterns, always listening to the Holy Spirit and His suggestions. He might suggest that someone stop listening to childhood tapes that keep them from their true identity (for example, continually saying “I’m so dumb.”)
This fall as you clean out a closet or take a box to a charity organization, may God use this activity to remind you of who you are — beautiful, chosen, loved, beloved — and remind you that purging the old and unnecessary, can be similar to healing, a step forward toward God. Please visit us on campus or at a conference this year — or suggest us to a friend!
May God bless your season and your journey!
Kathi Smith
Senior Editor
Kathi Smith is the Senior Editor of Healing Line and an active CHM prayer minister. |