Looking Back at 2017
by Liz Bailey
Fall/Winter 2017
As I reflect back on an amazing year of CHM events, the words of Paul to the church in Philippi come to mind: "I thank God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now." (Phil. 1:3) Coming together as a body of believers from all denominational backgrounds unites us in ways that are hard to explain; it is simply something you have to experience for yourself. For our team at CHM, our sole reason for hosting events is to provide a place where there can be an individual and corporate encounter with the person, the presence and the power of the risen Christ. Experiences like these are what draw us together as a body and strengthen us for the work of the Gospel — and 2017 was no exception! With a total of seven (at capacity) Schools of Healing Prayer®, two Journey to Healing Retreats, Ignite, Captivate, numerous DHP’s (Day of Healing Prayer) and IPM’s (Intensive Prayer Ministry) we literally met thousands of people who were hungry for an encounter with God. Jesus met us in powerful ways this past year and we have all been blessed to witness His power and love poured out among us. We saw people healed physically, emotionally and spiritually; individuals were set free from oppression and strongholds; sons and daughters of God were empowered, equipped, trained and released into who He created them to be. When we encounter a move of God as we did at our 2017 events, we can again echo Paul’s words to the Philippians: "I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." (Phil. 1:6) What joy comes when we can look at one another and say, "The Lord is doing something amazing in you; I cannot wait to see how it unfolds!’"
There is something else that Paul says in verse 7 that is very interesting: "...it is right for me to feel this way…" He is referencing his feelings of love toward the Philippian church because of their partnership in the Kingdom of God. There is an expression that is currently trending in pop culture, which is "all the feels." It essentially means that something has made us feel good. For example, "that wedding gave me all the feels," or "this song makes me feel all the feels." We live in a culture that is ruled by emotions and feelings. This is not always a negative thing, but as Christ–followers, we must be wise in this area. Our feelings and emotions are God–given and are meant to move us. They help us know when and how to react and respond to the world around us. They are meant to guide us but not rule us — this is where wisdom is so important.
I believe, however, that an exception to this rule is given to us by Paul in verses 7–8: "it is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus." As followers of Christ and defenders of the Gospel, there is a love for one another and a bond that is created that should, in every way, give us "all the feels." This type of community among believers is crucial as we go about Kingdom work. This year at our many events, we witnessed people from all over the world find one another and develop connections that will last into eternity. We are praying that what the Lord did in 2017 would extend into 2018. Please take a look at our 2018 event calendar on page 19 and pray about joining us for an event. We look forward to meeting you!
Liz Bailey is the Events Coordinator for CHM. |