Healing Line

Healing Line

The Word of Their Testimony...

Fall/Winter 2017

Healing from Cancer

Twenty years ago I was treated for breast cancer. I thought I was cancer free until three years ago, when a CAT scan showed that my liver was peppered with innumerable small breast cancer tumors. Treatment was started (a small daily anti–estrogen pill).

I attended the first Journey to Healing at St. Christopher’s (South Carolina). During one of the prayer sessions, I had a vision of God using a brand new pencil with an eraser. I could see a map of my liver with many tiny cancer spots and God was erasing them. I rejoiced and shared this vision with others and have continued to thank God for the work that He was doing in me.

Since I had that vision, CAT scans have been done every six months and they have showed that the cancer is “stable” (the tumors have not gotten bigger nor more numerous). I thanked God but wondered when He was going to erase them completely.

On December 9, 2016, I received my answer for the “when.” My June 2016 CAT scan had shown that the cancer was stable; the December 2016 CAT scan showed that the cancer was gone completely from my liver! Praise God! He is so faithful!

— Ardy R

Leukemia: From Active to Dormant
a testimony from Audrey H. by Kathi Smith

In March of this year, Judith was speaking at a church in front of about 300 people. The priest announced that there was a woman in the audience who had been healed of leukemia years before when Francis had prayed for her. I was so excited to meet her; I got together with her to give her a hug and hear her story.

In 1991, Audrey was diagnosed with leukemia. Three years later she went to a service in St. Augustine where Bishop John J. Snyder and Francis MacNutt were presiding over a healing service. She remembers Francis holding her hands and asking her what she wanted Jesus to do for her that day. When recalling the story, I watched her eyes tear up and her lips curl into a beautiful smile.

“I told him that I was OK if the Lord wanted me to keep leukemia, but if He was OK to heal me, I would prefer that.” I smiled. “Then he just asked the Lord to heal me and he prayed in tongues for a bit,” she recalled. “I went back to the doctor for my bloodwork and although the leukemia was still there, it had gone dormant.“

That was in 1994 — and today, in 2017, 23 years later, she still gets her bloodwork done every six months and the leukemia has stayed inactive. Praise the Lord!

Fall/Winter 2017 Issue