Welcome Home Initaitive is a ministry of By His Wounds, Inc.

1340 N. Great Neck Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23454
United States
Phone: 757-496-0001
Website: http://byhiswoundsministry.org/


"A ministry committed to restoring the healing gifts of Jesus Christ to His church, coming alongside all who are in need of His healing touch; in body, mind and spirit."
Our Ministry's primary focus is on: Prayer/ Inner Healing
Type of client we service: Adults & Children
Service Type: In-Patient
Licensed? No
Fee Range: Donations
Email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We have participated in the following Schools of Healing Prayer...
SHP 1, SHP 2, SHP 3, SHP 4
We have facilitated the following Schools of Healing Prayer...
SHP 1, SHP 2, SHP 3, SHP 4


1340 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23454, USA
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